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As mentioned in Controls page, the command line interface control receives command line inputs from keyboard.

The are in general two categories of commands: the ones led by special charactor and the ones not. The ones which are not led by special charactor are just keyword for doing a dictionary search and match.

Commands can also be grouped by special leading charactors as the following.

  • ? is application level command leading charactor
    • it is just the standard thing of URL supported by Qia mdx Reader server
    • currently only one query is supported
      • ?command=reset means reset the state of the corresponding mdx book
  • # is the content page level command leading charactor
    • it is just the standard thing of web browser to target an element with the id after the #
  • . is the mdx book level command leading charactor
    • .metadata means getting the metadata of the corresponding mdx book
  • @ is the mdx book level command leading charator - commands in this group are about page navigation
    • @current means getting current page in timeline records
    • @previous means getting previous page in timeline records
    • @next means getting next page in timeline records if any or getting next new page and append to timeline
    • @# means getting #-th page after the first in timeline records (+# at -1)
    • @-# means getting #-th page before the last in timeline records (-# at 1)
    • @ means getting the last records in timeline records (0 at 1)
    • @-=# (# means digit(s)) means gettings #-th page before current in timeline records (-# at 0)
    • @+=# means getting #-th page after current in timeline records (+# at 0)
  • $ is the mdx book level command leadning charactor - commands in this group are about book configuration
    • $config shows current configurations
      • $config[key]=value or $key=value sets the value of configuration item with key
        • $config[noip]=3 or $noip=3 means showing 3 entry items per content page
    • $status shows current status about timeline records (current page is at which position of the timeline records)





2 entry items per page - a and รค
